Year 2 - Cardiff 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Year 2

Summer Term 


Our topic this term is ‘Long ago and Far Away.’ We will learn about the castles to find out who built the first castles in the UK and why and the structure of medieval castles. Our visit to Skipton Castle was our introductory to facilitate this first hand.


As the year 2 will be sitting their SATs test around June, it is essential that children are practising very regularly. Please help your child to do their best by encouraging them to practise at home!

Please see the newsletter in the file below to find out more information about our learning this term!








Local area interactive map:  




Book changing day-Monday and Wednesday

Spellings given out and tested - Friday (Please have spelling books in school and make sure they are signed)


The key words that your child is expected to be able to spell by the end of Year 2 are listed in the file below!


Homework will be given on Friday to be returned by Wednesday

Homework and spellings will be put on the Google classroom each week


PE- Monday and Wednesday See file below for expected kit


Please help us by ensuring that your child has the correct books /kit / work/ equipment in school each day! Thank you!


Snacks are provided, however if your child does not like the fruit and vegetables provided.

Please send in a fruit or vegetable snack daily.

Please also remember that water bottles are essential in class each day!













Files to Download

Year 2 - Cardiff: News items

Year 2 - Cardiff: Blog items

Year 2 - Cardiff: Gallery items

Cardiff 2023-24, by Miss Aimson

Cardiff 2023-24, by Miss Aimson

Year 2 - Cardiff: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Prospect Vale Community School

Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3RJ