PE and Sports

Here at Prospect Vale, PE, School Sport and Physical Activity are a huge part of our learning. Our school offers a wide variety of sporting activities with our extra-curricular clubs and links with clubs accross the borough. We pride ourselves on giving our children a range of opportunities during PE curriculum time, after school and enrichment days by using experts in school and using outside agencies. 

We are members of the Stockport SHAPES alliance and access an enormous range of competitions, special events and activities for all our children. Mrs Wall currently comes into school every Wednesday, delivers ongoing CPD to staff and team teaches with Mrs Hall. Half termly groups of children are selected to work on specialist areas to further develop skills. Staff CPD is a very important part at PV allowing many opportunties for staff to increase their expertise in different areas of the curriculum.

Progressive Sports South Manchester come into school and deliver 2 After school clubs a week.

Prospect Vale are very proud of their commitment to keeping our children physically active and have been instrumental in creating events that have been introduced borough wide - Santa Dash, The Big leap.....



At Prospect Vale, we have a number of pupils who help with the provision of sports, physical activities and keeping a healthy lifestyle across our school.

The Sports Ambassadors/leadership team

Pupils from Years 5 and 6 are trained up by the fabulous Stockport SHAPES team and Mrs Hall and are expected (as part of their job role) to assist in events throughout the year and deliver games and activities at playtimes.


Our pupils really enjoy 'Smile for a mile' and on the days we are rained off they are disappointed to miss their run!

The aim of this is to get our children really active regularly, extra to the 2 hour PE curriculum time that all our pupils receive. Each class ensures they do a 10 minute run at least once a week (daily weather permitting!) and the childrens laps are recorded. At the end of each half term there should be some lap winners, a house group champion and some spirit awards for super effort! We have featured 'Smile for a mile' in whole school challenge weeks, personal challenges and fun/charity runs including our annual Santa Dash.


School Games Mark 

Here at PV we apply annually for the National School Games Quality Mark. Our first year in 2016/2017 we acheived Bronze Status.

Prospect Vale acheived Silver Status in the School Games mark 2017/2018.

2018/2019 - Prospect Vale retained Silver status.........

2019/2020 - Applications for the school games mark were suspended due to Covid-19, Prospect Vale retained Silver status.

2020/21 - Applications still suspended due to Covid-19! Silver status retained.

2021/2022 - Prospect Vale acheived our first GOLD Status.

2022/2023 - We are thrilled to announce we were awarded GOLD Status for the 2nd year running.

2023/2024 - We are going for our Gold status again for the 3rd year in a row!






Prospect Vale Community School

Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3RJ