SEN (Special Educational Need)
Special Educational Needs at Prospect Vale Primary School
At Prospect Vale Primary School, we promote an ethos of inclusivity nurturing each and every child, recognising and challenging their abilities through quality first teaching. A range of teaching and learning styles are used creatively throughout the school and we ensure the curriculum is personalised to our children’s needs and interests. A broad and balanced curriculum is essential to build up individual skills. At all times, children’s moral and social development is our priority empowering our children on their learning journeys.
If needed, pupils are offered small group work, interventions or catch up programmes so that no child falls behind. If your child continues to have difficulty after interventions or has a high level of additional need when they join the school, they may be considered to have Special Educational Needs. You may have concerns about your child and feel that they need additional help in which case, please inform the class teacher or Mrs Turnbull-Mills, our SENDCO.
The parents of any pupil who has a Special Educational Need will be involved in all aspects of their child’s education. We work through a multi-agency approach ensuring parents and other professionals meet on a regular basis to evaluate progress and effectively plan for the future.
Children and Families Bill 2013
The Children and Families Bill is taking forward the government’s commitment to improve services for vulnerable children to support strong families. It underpins wider reforms to ensure that all children and young people can succeed, no matter what their background. The Bill will reform the systems for adoption, looked after children, family justice and special educational needs (SEN).
The Local Offer
The Local Offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011) as a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower-level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child.
Information on where the local authority’s Local Offer is published:
Stockport's Outcomes Framework
Stockport's Co-production Charter
Stockport's SEND Strategy
Stockport's Entitlement Framework
Stockport Council SEND Newsletter