P.E & Sport 2023 - 2024

2022-2023 had been one of our best years yet at PV for PE, School sport and physical activity... And we intend to go bigger and better this academic year!

All of our children have had so many more opportunites across the school to take part in high quality PE lessons, after school clubs and workshops with outside sports specailists and many exciting events are planned for 2023-2024. I am hugely excited to be teaching ALL classes from Nursery through to Year 6 their PE lessons this year.


Our partnership with Stockport SHAPES was incredibly successful again last year. Mrs O'Hare was in school Wednesday, and myself and Mrs O'Hare offered the biggest amount of opportunites for our children than we ever had before..

We were very sad to say Goodbye to Mrs O'Hare after coming into PV for 6 years.... But we are pleased to welcome Mrs Wall who will be offering CPD to some staff and team teach alongside myself on Wednesdays. Again, we have some fun exciting things in the pipeline.... 


*Once again we have successfully acheived the GOLD STANDARD in the School games mark AND GOLD STANDARD in Stockports Key Stage 1 PE, sport and Physical activity Quality mark! We are incredibly proud of these acheivements*

At the Stockport SHAPES PE and sports annual awards we were awarded 4 additional accolades and we had a total of 10 individual winners which was incredible!


Mrs Hall


Don't forget....

We love to celebrate all our wonderful children's sporting achievements outside of school and display them on our Sports Hall of fame board! If you have a recent photo of your child taking part in any sort of physical actvitity - it could be a sports club, dance show, showing off a new swimming certificate or football training - please send them into school for me or email to admin@prospectvale.stockport.sch.uk









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Prospect Vale Community School

Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3RJ